Annotating and analyzing primarily genetic models in the VCF file format.
The main function is to annotate accurate patterns of inheritance for each variant in a vcf file including one or several families of arbitrary size.
By default variants will be annotated from the human refGene database but
alternative annotations can be built with genmod build
genmod can also be used for annotating variants with their frequencies in 1000G,
ExAC or their predicted CADD scores, see genmod annotate.
genmod uses multithreading to annotate variants and operates fast for both
whole exome data and whole genome data.
GENMOD works with Python 2.7 and Python 3.2 and above
pip install genmod
git clone
cd genmod
python install
The basic idea with genmod is to make fast and easy analysis of vcf variants for rare disease. It can still be interesting to use in other cases, such as annotating what genetic regions the variants in a bacteria belongs to. genmod can annotate accurate patterns of inheritance in arbitrary sized families. The genetic models checked are the basic mendelian ones, these are:
- Autsomal Recessive, denoted 'AR_hom'
- Autsomal Recessive denovo, denoted 'AR_hom_dn'
- Autsomal Dominant, 'AD'
- Autsomal Dominant denovo, 'AD_dn'
- Autosomal Compound Heterozygote, 'AR_comp'
- X-linked dominant, 'XD'
- X-linked dominant de novo, 'XD_dn'
- X-linked Recessive, 'XR'
- X-linked Recessive de novo, 'XR_dn'
The following command should work when installed successfully. The files are distributed with the package.
$ cat examples/test_vcf.vcf
##INFO=<ID=MQ,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="RMS Mapping Quality">
#CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT father mother proband father_2 mother_2 proband_2
1 879537 . T C 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60
1 879541 . G A 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ ./. 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 ./. 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 879595 . C T 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 879676 . G A 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 879911 . G A 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 880012 . A G 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 880086 . T C 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 880199 . G A 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 880217 . T G 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
10 76154051 . A G 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
10 76154073 . T G 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
10 76154074 . C G 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ ./. 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
10 76154076 . G C 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ ./. 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 ./. 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
X 302253 . CCCTCCTGCCCCT C 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60
MT 302253 . CCCTCCTGCCCCT C 100 PASS MQ=1 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60
$ cat examples/test_vcf.vcf |\
>genmod annotate - --annotate_regions |\
>genmod models - --family_file examples/recessive_trio.ped > test_vcf_models_annotated.vcf
$ cat test_vcf_models_annotated.vcf
##INFO=<ID=MQ,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="RMS Mapping Quality">
##INFO=<ID=Annotation,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Annotates what feature(s) this variant belongs to.">
##INFO=<ID=Exonic,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Indicates if the variant is exonic.">
##INFO=<ID=GeneticModels,Number=.,Type=String,Description="':'-separated list of genetic models for this variant.">
##INFO=<ID=ModelScore,Number=.,Type=String,Description="PHRED score for genotype models.">
##INFO=<ID=Compounds,Number=.,Type=String,Description="List of compound pairs for this variant.The list is splitted on ',' family id is separated with compoundswith ':'. Compounds are separated with '|'.">
##Software=<ID=genmod,Version=3.0.1,Date="2015-09-22 08:40",CommandLineOptions="processes=4 keyword=Annotation family_type=ped family_file=<open file 'examples/recessive_trio.ped', mode 'r' at 0x102d3a780> variant_file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdin>' encoding='utf-8'> logger=<logging.Logger object at 0x102d64250>">
#CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT father mother proband father_2 mother_2 proband_2
1 879537 . T C 100 PASS MQ=1;Exonic;Annotation=SAMD11;GeneticModels=1:AR_hom;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60
1 879541 . G A 100 PASS MQ=1;Exonic;Annotation=SAMD11;GeneticModels=1:AR_hom_dn|AR_hom;ModelScore=1:57.0 GT:AD:GQ ./. 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 ./. 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 879595 . C T 100 PASS MQ=1;Exonic;Annotation=NOC2L,SAMD11;GeneticModels=1:AR_hom_dn;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 879676 . G A 100 PASS MQ=1;Exonic;Annotation=NOC2L,SAMD11 GT:AD:GQ 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 879911 . G A 100 PASS MQ=1;Exonic;Annotation=NOC2L,SAMD11;Compounds=1:1_880086_T_C|1_880012_A_G;GeneticModels=1:AR_comp|AR_comp_dn;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 880012 . A G 100 PASS MQ=1;Exonic;Annotation=NOC2L;Compounds=1:1_879911_G_A|1_880086_T_C;GeneticModels=1:AR_comp|AR_comp_dn;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 880086 . T C 100 PASS MQ=1;Exonic;Annotation=NOC2L;Compounds=1:1_879911_G_A|1_880012_A_G;GeneticModels=1:AD_dn|AR_comp_dn;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 880199 . G A 100 PASS MQ=1;Annotation=NOC2L;GeneticModels=1:AD_dn;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
1 880217 . T G 100 PASS MQ=1;Annotation=NOC2L;GeneticModels=1:AD_dn;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
10 76154051 . A G 100 PASS MQ=1;Exonic;Annotation=ADK;Compounds=1:10_76154073_T_G;GeneticModels=1:AR_comp_dn;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
10 76154073 . T G 100 PASS MQ=1;Exonic;Annotation=ADK;Compounds=1:10_76154051_A_G;GeneticModels=1:AD_dn|AR_comp_dn;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
10 76154074 . C G 100 PASS MQ=1;Annotation=ADK GT:AD:GQ ./. 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
10 76154076 . G C 100 PASS MQ=1;Annotation=ADK;GeneticModels=1:AD_dn|AD;ModelScore=1:57.0 GT:AD:GQ ./. 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 ./. 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60
X 302253 . CCCTCCTGCCCCT C 100 PASS MQ=1;Annotation=PPP2R3B;GeneticModels=1:XD|XR;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60
MT 302253 . CCCTCCTGCCCCT C 100 PASS MQ=1;GeneticModels=1:AR_hom_dn;ModelScore=1:55.0 GT:AD:GQ 0/0:10,10:60 0/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 0/0:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60 1/1:10,10:60
genmod is made for working on any type of annotated vcf. To get relevant Autosomal Compound Heterozygotes we need to know what genetic regions that the variants belong to. We can use annotations from the Variant Effect Predictor or let genmod do the annotation.
genmod comes with a prebuilt annotation data base that is made from the latest refSeq dataset. We can also build new annotation sets with genmod build, please see wiki for mor info.
(There are files for testing the following commands in genmod/examples)
To annotate the variants with regions use
$genmod annotate <vcf_file> -r/--annotate_regions (-a/--annotation_dir)
Now the variants are ready to get their models annotated:
$genmod models <vcf_file> -f/--family_file <family.ped>